Sweet Times at the 9 to 5

I am so excited to be able connect with you all and share a bit and pieces of my journey.  First, I would like to say a great big THANK YOU to all my friends and family as well as the rest of the community for encouraging me and supporting me in making this dream into a reality.  As I worked on making the caramels to cover the orders that trickled in Jan I could not help but feel so grateful.

Now let me begin by warning you I am not much of a blogger, I am more of a behind the scenes kind of gal but for the sake of being intentional and connecting with you all which is what I want,  I will blog my heart out.  A fellow blogger once told me that “blogging is an outlet to speak your mind and connect with others”.  So this is the perfect way for us to connect, for this to be successful I need and want to hear from you as well.

For those of you that are just getting to know me, I hold a 9-5 M-F job that I love and am very fortune to have but at times I will admit that all I can do is think of how I could be working on expanding Dulce Diana.  Well just recently I took my own advice and instead of wasting time thinking about this or that while at work I began to satisfy my desire in building relationships by connecting with others at work.  How many of us can say that we leave our work life behind at work and that we do not bring it home with us?  When the clock strikes 5 we are out and practically fly out the door without giving it a second thought. In the meantime there are people at work that need us to show them we care.  If you’re like me you spend most of your day at work so why not make it count for something other than just making money.

This past Sunday I got a call that my friend Lori had past way.  My heart was so broken after I received the news all I could do was tear-up and cry.  Lori was my co-worker first but because of the time we both dedicated to each other while at work we quickly became friends.  Her love for sports instantly connected her to my husband Noel; she would call him “her Noel”.  She had such a kind heart, always willing to help any way she could.  When Noel and I bought our current house she was the first to say “Me” I will help with the move, I will be there.  My family got to know her that day and you would think that my two brothers and Lori were long life friends. Just think of the memories I would be missing out on if I chose to keep our relationship as a professional one.  I am not saying that you should try to befriend all of your colleagues but I am saying to be open to see beyond four cubicle walls and make connections that will last a life time and when life is over, the memories that remain will keep the friendship alive.  I will always remember Lori and she will forever be in my heart.

My three month checkup was last week and I was a wreck, I usually don’t  even think of my time fighting cancer but as soon as I get a reminder on my phone of  an upcoming appointment my whole demeanor changes whether I notice it or not.  I was suffering of chest pains the whole week but not once did I think that it was anxiety due to my upcoming appointment.  I could feel the pain diminish instantly after the Dr. told me that my tumor marker levels were fine, and that basically all levels were fine.  Cancer or no cancer tomorrow is not in our hands.  No one knows what tomorrow will bring, one thing we know for sure and that is that tomorrow, at best is uncertain. Scripture show us in Proverbs 27:1 “Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring”.  If you have the opportunity hug your loved ones a little tighter today. Here is to you and the Lori’s in your life. 

Make every moment matter,

diana garcia